Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ThE FiRst DaY iN BloggEr... :-)


Today the first day in blogger..It's very interesting to me because the way that can share the story about by daily in blog... It's also can improve my writing in English and Malay...May u all can give an comment in my writing...Now, is the turn to share my identification to u all.. As in my profile my user name is "Vanila.crystal" my real name is Nurhamizah Bt Maszelan the simple person and not really complicated...huhu I'm staying in Petaling Jaya, Selangor and also the place that I was born. My parents name are Maszelan Bin Mohamed and Azizah Bt Othman..There are still working in private sector..My siblings are Arif Bin Maszelan (second), Hajar Bt Maszelan (Third) and the youngest Muhammad Balhaqi Bin Maszelan..I'm the oldest in my siblings.. Now, I still studying in Unikl-Micet that placed in Malacca and I taking course environment...That's all about me and the below is the picture of my family....:-)


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It's about me....what is it??

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Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
simple person..and not really complicated...

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